Uma Bruxa

I decided to share for free some of the stories of my last book. If you like it, don’t forget to check it out on Amazon. STORY FROM THE BOOK: QUEM ROUBOU MEU BOLO? Uma Bruxa Uma bruxa!… Read More

Uma Princesinha

I decided to share for free some of the stories of my last book. If you like it, don’t forget to check it out on Amazon. STORY FROM THE BOOK: QUEM ROUBOU MEU BOLO? Uma Princesinha Era uma… Read More

Quem Roubou meu Bolo?

My new book has just been released. The title in Portuguese is Quem Roubou meu Bolo? and the English edition is Who Stole my Cake? Here is a short description: Quem Roubou meu Bolo? is a book of… Read More