Animais Perigosos do Brasil: A Taturana

Nível: Intermediário (Intermediate – B1/B2) O Brasil é um país selvagem, pois dentro dele há uma selva imensa com todos os tipos de animais, incluindo cobras, aranhas, escorpiões, vespas e formigas. No mar, há lugares onde podemos encontrar… Read More

Três Histórias Diferentes para Aprender Português

As a Portuguese teacher I have always struggled to find decent resources to use in my lessons, since most Portuguese resources use formal language and don’t assist in essential vocabulary development. Essential vocabulary are those 2000 basic words… Read More


Brazilians love creating sensationalism. Although Brazil is a huge country, people are always talking about the same cultural novelties, which are disseminated by the national television and by the Internet. Today, to be “Zen” in Brazil is to be… Read More