Multilingual Audio Reader

multilingual audio readerMany polyglots have a system for organizing all the languages they are learning. I personally use digital glossaries in five different languages, which I can access and update on my mobile phone or on my computer through a database program. Along with this, I use flashcards apps to import and memorize my glossaries, but unfortunately all flashcard apps and websites only support a 1:1 relationship, so if you want to study a single word in many different languages and listen to their different sounds, there is no electronic tool for this.
For this reason, I decided to develop one myself and today I’m launching this new and free Online tool: Multilingual Audio Reader  (

The Multilingual Audio Reader is still in its initial phase (1.0). It uses Google’s new text-to-speech technology with Web Speech Api – HTML 5, the same audio from Google Translate, which has been incorporated to Google Chrome and soon will also be available in all other browsers. So at the moment, it will only work with Google Chrome. Soon I hope to be adding new features, such as a way of exporting the data, saving it on a txt file and then loading it back, so users can access the webtool for studying their glossaries at different times.

With this tool, now I can make my own multilingual audio glossaries and listen to them for memorization practise. I hope it can also be helpful to other language students and for other purposes. If you have any other ideas or suggestions, please leave a comment here.

The Multilingual Audio Reader can be accessed on:

Multilingual Audio Reader
(use Google Chrome otherwise it may not work)


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